We cook your order of Red Chile Sauce FRESH and per order. Orders received by the 15th will be ready for pick up on the 20th and orders received by the end of the month will be ready for pick up on the 5th of the following month from the address noted below. If for some reason you are unable to pick the order up at this time, please email us and we will try to be available at an alternate time for you.
Pick up address:
1066 8th Ave
Kamloops, BC
If you ordered: Red Chile Sauce (1 L) Fresh
The sauce is free of preservatives and therefore must be kept refrigerated and will last for 2-3 weeks.
If you ordered: Red Chile Puree (500 ml) Frozen
This product is FROZEN and can also be picked up on the same dates however it can remain frozen until you are ready to finish cooking it using the roux recipe provided with the sauce. A 500ml container will make 2L of sauce which you can also refreeze if needed.